Ballarat Line Upgrade (BLU)
Under the project for the Victorian and Australian governments, 18 kilometres of track between Deer Park West and Melton on the Ballarat line will be duplicated. Fast Track Welding is the current preferred supplier of Aluminothermic Rail Welding services to Coleman Rail & Lendlease Engineering. Fast Track Welding has successfully to date contributed to the project, with KPI's being achieved. Fast Track Welding has recently been awarded Murray Basin Rail Project to continue with ongoing works.
Fulton Hogan Melbourne
Fast Track Welding is the current preferred supplier of Aluminothermic Rail Welding services to Fulton Hogan on all Yarra Tram Light Rail projects throughout Melbourne. Fast Track Welding has successfully completed over 4000 High Quality Groove Rail Joints on both straight track and special works projects. Recent works are inclusive of , St Georges Road, Chapel Street, Elizabeth Street, Hoddle Street, Swan Street and more recently Flemington Road and Williams Rd, which included Cross-Overs, Welding Strings and Closing Welds. After a successful 2022 we look forward to growing a stronger relationship in 2023.
Level Crossing Removal Projects Melbourne
The Victorian Government has commenced the removal of 50 dangerous and congested level crossings, which will transform the way people live, work and travel across the metropolitan Melbourne and improve saftey for drivers and pedestrians. Fast Track Welding has commenced working with major companies Laing O'Rourke for the Bayswater LCRP and for CPB Contractors for the Furlong, Main, Blackburn and Heatherdale LCRP.
Southern Programme Alliance
The Level Crossing Removal Project is removing 18 level crossings and building 12 new stations as part of a $3 billion upgrade of the Frankston line that will improve safety, reduce congestion and allow more trains to run more often. Fast Track Welding is the preferred Welding Supplier for the project and has also recently been awarded the Additional Works Package (AWP) removal of the level crossings at Park and Charman Roads Cheltenham and Balcombe Road Mentone.